Vlastík Plamínek

Já mám pruh, ty máš pruh, máme pruhy. Já ten druhý!

Vlastimil Brůček, alias „Vlastík Plamínek”, je numerolog a věštec. Specializuje se na poradenské služby v Praze a východních Čechách.

Jako meteorolog a autor knihy „Když věštec nespí” má bohaté zkušenosti s věštěním pomocí tarotových a runových karet, mořského písku a hrotové terapie.

Také působil jako TV rosnička a účastnil se výprav za tropickými bouřemi.

SoundBoard Vlastík Plamínek was created by Krakenus on the platform SoundBoardio and its code is open-source.

Be like Krakenus and create your own SoundBoardio for free.

Is something rotten in the state of Denmark?

The application serves as a platform that allows users to create their own content in the form of sound clips (soundboards). We are not responsible for user-generated content. All uploaded or shared content is the sole responsibility of its author.

The application does not host any content on its own servers. All sound files are uploaded directly by users and stored on their own storage solutions or third-party services. If you encounter content that infringes your rights or violates the law, we recommend contacting the author or the hosting service. Alternatively, contact us so we can remove the entire soundboard.

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